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aerial view of house on fire, smoke in air

Fire Safety at Home: Have Two Ways Out

Did you know that in a home fire, residents could have less than two minutes to escape once the smoke alarm begins to sound? In the event of a fire, whether you’re at work or home, every second counts. At work, we rely on programs, procedures, training and focused evacuation drills to achieve life-saving actions and responses, the big questions is, are you prepared at home too? The following recommendations can help you and your family create and practice a fire escape plan.

Home Fire Escape Plan

To create a fire escape plan, start by drawing a map of your home, be sure to include all doors and windows on the map. Using the map, locate two ways out of every room.

kids drawing with crayons of fire escape plan

Once the map is complete and you have identified means of escape from each room, next check and make sure doors and windows are not blocked. If there are multiple people residing in your home, choose an outside meeting place and make sure all occupants know where it is. Practice your home fire drill with everyone in your house on a regular basis. Afterwards, evaluate, what worked and what didn’t work?

Evacuation Tips

If you live in an apartment building, be sure to familiarize yourself and any family members with all the exits and know how you would escape in an emergency. During an emergency, when you leave your apartment, close the door behind you. If the fire alarm is not already activated, be sure to pull it on your way out of the building to notify your neighbors of the need to evacuate.

foreman pulling fire alarm

Remember, always use the stairs to evacuate during an emergency, do not use an elevator unless the fire department has directed you to. Go outside to a designated meeting place.

Easy Fire Escape Steps for Kids

The U.S. Fire Administration (FEMA) put together a list of great resources to help communicate these steps for your children or anyone with literacy barriers.

Teach your children:

  1. Two escape routes for each room
  2. How to open windows, remove screens, and unlock doors
  3. To feel the door before escaping
  4. Not to use an elevator, and practice exiting via the stairs
  5. How to call the fire department
  6. How to signal for help at the window with a light colored cloth or flashlight
  7. To close the door after existing and to never go back for any reason
  8. Where the designated meeting place is
pictogram showing 6 scenes on how a family can practice a fire drill

Perform a test fire drill to practice your escape plan

  1. Push the test button on the alarm to start the drill
  2. Get low and go to your exit
  3. Practice feeling the door for temperature
  4. Practice calling 911 and calling/signaling for help
  5. Practice exiting through windows and closing the door behind you
  6. Meet at your meeting place
pictogram showing 6 scenes on how a family can practice a fire drill

Remember, fire is fast, develop and practice your fire escape plan so if it’s needed, your escape is faster.

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